As you know, I use a variety of minerals in my creations so the pieces can hold more magical energy aside from our own. You'll find below a list of all the stones that were used in said creations, their properties and meanings! VIEW CRYSTALS
(A - Z) List:
Amazonite: Balance.
It balances the feminine and masculine energies. It encourages trusting behavior, stimulates both sides of the brain and enhances both intuitive perceptions and reasoning. As it helps to find one's own truth, Amazonite is a good stone for artists who want to express themselves.
Amber: Balance Emotions.
Used to improve memory, increase mental flexibility, and create balanced decision making. As a natural purifier, they give off a warm, soothing energy that can heal and improve your well-being.
Angelite: Angel Connection.
This stone helps one connect with angels and spiritual guides. It also unblocks communication barriers and can dispel fear, anger and encourages forgiveness.
Agate (Southern Red): Willpower.
Agate is known for its grounding properties. It can help with self-confidence, physical energy, and acceptance of one’s self. It is a stone that can awaken your sense of adventure, willpower and hope. It increases your ability to trust and attract healthy friendships.
Agate (Grape): Expand Awareness.
The purple hues of grape agate ties us into a higher consciousness, strengthening intuition, mental clarity and understanding of dreams. It may also help the user in astral projection and channeling.
Agate (Tree): Inner Peace.
An excellent stone to be used as personal talisman. It improves the sense of your own power. It strengthen your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It carries a quiet energy and is an excellent stone for meditation.
Agate (Crazy Lace): Laughter.
Commonly referred to as the stone of laughter. It enhances joy by elevating our attitude, thoughts and optimisn. It absorbs emotional pain and bestows the attribute of flexible thinking. It dispels fear and keeps us focused in the present. Use it to strenghthen your connection to the earth and increase self-confidence.
Alabaster: Mental Clarity.
Known for its properties of forgiveness, stimulation of meditation, and balancing of emotions. It has the ability to draw things to or from you, depending on what your needs are while also giving mental clarity, aiding forgiveness and stimulating meditation. Promotes creativity and artistic clarity.
Aquamarine: Tolerance.
Aids in compassion, and tolerance, and facilitates communication both with others ans with the deeper self. It favors creativity, confidence, serenity and attunement to the spiritual realm.
Aventurine (Green): All Around Healer.
Known to attract luck and prosperity. It is said to uplift the spirits and enhance one's sense of humor. It has a positive effect on the psyche and promotes a sense of well-being. It encourages one on their life's adventures by stimulation perseverance, increasing vitality and overcoming hyperactivity.
Calcite (Orchid): Passion.
This is a combo of black tourmaline and orange calcite. It is a sacral gem; it increases passion, inspiration, grounding and energy. It enhances also endurance, charisma and sexual stamina. It is also beneficial for self-nurturing.
Carnelian: Energy Booster.
Promotes ambition, confidence and happiness, and therefore brings serenity and stability. Boosts energy which helps restore motivation. Can be useful in overcoming abuse.
Celestite: Serenity.
Celestite is a soothing and calming stone, relieving stress and anxiety. Guide your inner spirit towards light and vibrations. One of the best crystals for sleep.
Citrine: Clear Thoughts.
Clarifies our thoughts making it easier to find sense of direction in life. Builds self-worth optimism and cheerfulness by dissolving negative energies. Carrying the power of the sun, it is excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias.
Copper: Receptivity.
It helps to capture and assimilate the essential principles of Nature and apply them in our daily life. It stimulates companionship and facilitates integration and confidence.
Desert Rose: Stone of the Mind.
It promotes intuitive perception, mental ability and clarity. It calms the worries of the mind from distractions and disruptions and clarifies thinking and perception.
Desert Rose can be used to relieve stress and enhance will power.
Dumortierite: Inner Trust.
It teaches us to stand up for ouselves by bringing forth inner trust. It aids us in taking control of our life by enhancing organizational skills and self-discipline. This crystal increases patience, eradicates stubbornness and enhances feelings of tranquility and inner harmony.
Fluorite: Intuition.
Fluorite can help maintain an unbiased impartiality when making decisions by reducing one's emotional involvement in a situation. Encourages us to peacefully see both sides of any situation.
Garnet: Love & Passion.
It revitalizes feelings and can help with sexual potency. Garnet gives courage and confidence, boosts energy, and guards against depression and melancholy. It acts as a heart stimulant that brings consistancy to friendships and success in business.
Hematite: Grounding.
It is a grounding stone and can be useful for a mental ''tune up''. It helps studying by enhancing memory and concentration. It dissipates negativity and stimulates the circulatory system.
Howlite: Peace of Mind.
A beautiful white stone representing the spiritual qualities of stillness, tenderness, and open-mindedness. It is believed to improve the vitality of an organ either by providing it with energy or by contributing to the regulation of energy that could prove excessive.
Jasper (Bumble Bee): Determination.
Like its namesake, bumble bee jasper can help one to stay upbeat and keep moving forward. It can also sustain a sunny attitude and boost self esteem. In addition, it can enhance creativity.
Jasper (Dalmatian): Luck, Balance, Joy.
Known for being one of the most joyous and playful in the crystal kingdom. It brings out your child-like wonder and is the epitome of childhood innocence.
Jasper (Fancy): Forgiveness.
Aids in letting go of bitterness and resentment. It balances energies and eliminates negativity, strengthens insight, promotes forgiveness, peace and tranquility. It helps one to better connection with nature.
Jasper (Pink Porcelain): Joy.
Also known as Exotica Jasper, this crystal can enhance your positive power, your joy and your inner peace. It intensifies the connection with your personal goals for life. Promotes happy and joyful energies to stimulate your heart's desires.
Jasper (Red): Attracts Justice.
Used to bring stability and increase autonomy. Considered a stone of justice and fairness, it is a powerful protective stone in times of danger. Red jasper promotes personal independence and helps one assume responsibility.
Kyanite (Green): Find Truth.
It helps those looking for the truth, and the true motives of others. It encourages love after loss, compassion, brings tranquility, stimulates psychic awareness and aids in removing emotional and spiritual confusion.
Labradorite: Reveals the truth.
As a stone of transformation it can help to realize one's destiny in life. It allows one to perceive things beyond the physical plane. By strengthening intuition and psychic abilities, it stimulates new ideas and imagination.
Lapis Lazuli: Insight.
Helps to access the unknown universal knowledge and have the wisdom to understand it. Eases depression and harmonizes one's heart and mind as it forges stronger bonds between them. Lapis is a powerful thought amplifier.
Lepidolite: Releases Tensions.
It encourages independence and offers freedom outside influence, mental dependency and addictions. It releases stress and promotes inner peace and restful sleep. Lepidolite opens the crown chakra and bring cosmic awareness.
Malachite: Protection.
A protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution, and heals earth energies.
Malachite (Azurite): Clairvoyance.
Azurite Malachite can bring insight, intuition and clairvoyance to your life. It is said to remove blockages that prevent you from achieving your goals allowing change to happen.
Malachite (Red): Transformation.
It inspires us to fully embrace and celebrate our lives. It brings courage, stamina and energy. It removes blockages that prevent us from reaching and achieving our goals. Red Malachite clears and balances the chakras which enhance spiritual change.
Mica: Clarity in Vision.
No doubt in part to Mica being known for its shimmering, reflective properties, this gemstone is believed to help individuals reflect on individual qualities. It helps us recognize flaws without self-condemnation so we are able to effectively address negative personality traits.
Moonstone (Clear, Grey, Red, Rainbow): Receptivity.
Moonstone spurs creativity, intuition, and wellbeing. It’s a direct link to photosynthesis and the miracle of light transforming into energy, which sustains life. Frequently used to improve intuition, it is said that it can grant wishes.
Morganite: Acceptance.
With its clear, peach-pink innocence embodies the first pale rays of sunrise that swells the heart and warms the soul. This is a Crystal of Divine Love. It brings healing, compassion, assurance and promise.
Nuumite: Intuition.
It connects you to your true self. It enhances intuition, restores energy, power and clears blockages. It protects us from pollutants, negative energy and energy vampires. It also brings insight and psychic visions.
Obsidian (Black): Protection.
It reveals the obstacles that prevent one from seeing the truth in a situation and within the self. This powerful stone promotes strength, compassion, clarity and self control. It stimulates growth, provides protection from negativity and eliminates emotional blockages.
Olivine: Happiness.
This stone allows you to remember your intrinsic value and offers you courage as you await the dawn. It brings wisdom, emotional balance, generosity and love. It helps dissolve negative thoughts and energy, and offers protection to its wearer.
Onyx (Black): Protection.
Believed to be one of the most powerful protection stones. By absorbing negative energies, it alleviates worries and tensions. Repels negativity and helps in getting thoughts structured. Known to help in astral travel.
Opal: Dreaming.
Known for its colors that seduce the eye. Its effective effects on mental and physical well-being make it a very popular stone in lithotherapy. As a protection stone, opal strengthens sensations, leads to perception and inspires.
Opal (Pink): Soothes the Heart.
A powerful stone for healing emotions, especially those associated with pain held subconsciously. It aids in confidence and anxiety, it helps overcome fears and shyness, helping you to open up to a whole new world.
Opalite: Inner Peace.
Stabilizes moods and emotions, which in turn improves communication and assists one in expressing hidden feelings. As a merchant stone, Opalite enhances interpersonal skills and aids in the manifestation of wealth. Use it on the crown chakra to boost insight, clairvoyance and psychic powers.
Pietersite: Protection.
Composed of Tiger's Eye, Jasper and Hawk's Eye. The stone helps to unify and activate the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras, thus increasing the energy to develop will power and intuition. It anchors the body to the etheric realms. A protection stone against nature's elements.
Prehnite: Prophecy.
A calming and nurturing stone that can help you connect with the Earth’s energy, making it a valuable stone for those working to promote environmental awareness and sustainability.
Pyrite: Practicality.
It shields from negative energies and assists one in seeing behind facades. It helps to overcome fatigue and increases stamina. It is a grounding stone that aids in materializing concepts.
Quartz (Clear, Strawberry, Rutilated Black & Gold): Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. Strawberry Quartz carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth.
Quartz (Aura): Consciousness.
With its extraordinary high vibration, this crystal is known for its ability to expand consciousness and heal the physical and spiritual bodies. Stones of communication that help bring out the positive, bright side of any situation allowing one to transform restrictions into new opportunities.
Quartz (Rose): Soothes.
The ''Love stone'' opens the heart, increases self acceptance and the ability to love others. It soothes heartaches and brings peace, compassion and kindness. It relieves childhood trauma and guilt, and eases transitions.
Quartz (Smoky): Clarifies Communication.
Helps to live in the present moment. Good for organizational skills, it clears up miscommunications, opens up the paths of perception. Can assist in overcoming grief and despair, allowing healing, reconciliation and sense of joy.
Rhodocrosite: Acceptance & Healing.
It symbolizes selfless love, moving one beyond mere empathy but stirring one to action on others’ behalf.
Serpentine: Regenerative Power.
A very strong energy source, which can bring a sense of protection and increase psychic abilities. Brings balance to one's emotional state, helping to solve conflicts peacefully. It is said to aid in detoxifying the body and blood.
Shungite: Purification.
Works to cleanse and align all of the body's particles to ensure that they are ready and open to receive the rapid melding with the Light. It aids the ungrounded to better connect with the earth and dispels negativity, provides psychic protection and shields one from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Stromatolite: Ancient Knowledge.
Brings steadfast persistence, stability, connection to the essence of life, resilience and versatility. It is known as the stone of longevity and perseverance. It can help relate to universal principles and develop mental stamina.
Sugilite: Spiritual Growth.
A premier “love stone for this age,” embodying the perfection of Divine love and the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane.
Sunstone (Red and Blue): Radiance.
Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity.
Tourmaline (Black): Grounding.
A shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. Protects from all kinds of negativity ranging from electronic radiations, to negative thoughts or spells. Strengthens and balances both body and spirit.
Tourmaline (Pink): Self Love.
Resonating with the Heart Chakra, it's a stone of love, healing and nurturing. It reminds the user to care for themselves and promotes self-worth.
Topaz (Gold): Good Fortune.
A stone of love and good fortune, and is highly effective for bringing successful attainment of goals. It is great for attracting the right person into one’s life, for friendship, love or business.
Ruby Zoisite: Gives Stamina.
Strengthens the energy field of the body, allowing a better use of the mind's potential. Helps to be fully aware of one's relation to all humanity. Stimulates psychic abilities and can ease disorders of the heart.
*This list will continue to evolve over time!