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♈️ A R I E S ♈️ 21 MAR - 20 APR
You have the fire inside you, don't let it go out. You are capable of
achieving great thingsif you believe in yourself and your potential.

♉️ T A U R U S ♉️ 21 APR - 21 MAY
You have a sense of the concrete, don't lose sight of it.
You are able to create value if you use your talents and resources.



♊️ G E M I N I ♊️ 22 MAY - 21 JUN
You have the gift of speech, don't waste it. You are able to
convey ideas if you listen and adapt to your interlocutor.



♋️ C A N C E R ♋️ 22 JUN - 22 JUL
You have your heart on your sleeve, don't close it. You are able to
give and receive love if you trust your intuition and your emotions.



♌️ L E O ♌️ 23 JUL - 22 AUG
You have the makings of a leader, don't deny it. You are able to
inspire and motivate others if you express your creativity and generosity.

♍️ V I R G O ♍️ 23 AUG - 23 SEP
You have an eye for detail, don't neglect it. You are capable of
achieving excellence if you plan and organize your work.

♎️ L I B R A ♎️ 24 SEP - 23 OCT
You have a taste for harmony, don't compromise it. You are able to
create balanced and fair relationships if you respect and value differences.



♏️ S C O R P I O ♏️ 24 OCT - 22 NOV
You have the power of transformation, don't fear it. You are capable of
overcoming hardships and renewing yourself if you

accept and free yourself from your fears.


O P H I U C H U S 29 NOV - 18 DEC
You have the wisdom of humanity, don't hide it. You are able to
share your knowledge and change the world if you dare and challenge the norms.


♐️ S A G I T T A R I U S ♐️ 23 NOV - 21 DEC
You have the spirit of adventure, do not bully it. You are able to
discover and learn new things if you travel and open up to other cultures.



♑️ C A P R I C O R N ♑️ 22 DEC - 20 JAN
You have the will to succeed, don't let go. You are capable of
building your future and achieving your ambitions

if you work hard and keep your promises.


♒️ A Q U A R I U S ♒️ 21 JAN - 19 FEB
You have the vision of the future, don't lose it. You are capable of innovating and contributing to the progress of humanity
if you express your originality and your independence.


♓️ P I S C E S ♓️ 20 FEB - 20 MAR
You have the soul of an artist, don't deny it. You are able to
express and feel deep emotions if you unleash your creativity and spirituality.

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